Do you find yourself constantly falling behind schedule or missing deadlines? Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your game while looking good.

1. Prioritize tasks

It is very easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks we have to do in the space of 24 hours. The time just doesn't seem enough. Given that within that time one has to sleep, eat and travel? It might seem impossible to get anything done at all. 

Prioritizing your tasks can help to lessen the burden, and cancels out one task; deciding where to start. Organizing your day with a daily planner app or to do list can make a great difference. Arranging them in order of importance can help you use most of your energy on the big things and leave you calm while you finish up the little things. If you'd like some To-do list apps for your PC click here.

2. Break down big projects

Sometimes the problem isn't the time, its how complex the task is. If you have to finish up an assignment in one day it might seem like a daunting activity. Breaking it down into smaller tasks can help. For example you could break down completing an assignment like this;

  • Download relevant research papers
  • Extract draft information
  • Refine information
  • Include citations
  • Paraphrase
  • Proof read
  • Submit
Even if you didn't finish your assignment that day, you will  be able to see what you have left to do and you'll finish it with no problems. Assignment Writing Tools

3. Eliminate Distractions

Do you ever plan to clean the house, decide you need some music to make it fun, and find yourself in an endless scroll on TikTok with the mop in one hand and your room still a mess? 
Distractions are the easiest ways to destroy your plans. If you feel like you're the type of person who is easily thrown off course you need to identify distractions around you and toss them out, fast. 
Some of the most ridiculous distractions are found on your phone. To help disconnect, you could use the focus function on your phone that turns of distracting apps for a stipulated time. If this still doesn't help, Keep your phone completely off or out of reach while you complete your tasks. Getting rid of distractions like this can help finish things on time.

4.Take Breaks

The attention span of healthy teenagers and adults is about 5 hours. It's a lot I know. This is only possible because humans are able to re-focus their minds and pay attention. It's what helps us binge watch seasons and seasons of Netflix shows and still want more. However, not everything is as interesting as Otis and his sex clinic. The mind can only do so much at a time. Long hours of study may not be as productive as 1 hour. 
Take breaks in between activities to allow your mind to rest. Lie down, read a book, watch an episode of your favourite show, anything that's not too far fetched that it is distracting. 
You will find rewarding your mind with those breaks will make you even more eager to study or complete all the other tasks for the day.

5.Stay Organized

Simple habits like making your bed first thing in the morning, or packing your books back on your shelf in order every time you pick one out, can help you lessen activities on your to do list.
Staying organized can seem hard at first, especially if you are comfortable throwing things around. Starting small can help you go a long way. 
You could start with picking out an outfit the day before it needs to worn. Or regularly cleaning up your study desk. Small things like this will not end up spilling into your hectic day. You will be able to finish up your homework on your desk because it is already clean and you'll be able to try out that new hairstyle for class because you already prepared an amazing fit. Here are some tips for amazing outfits to help you get started!

6.Use Productivity Tools
 The 3 basic productivity tools are word processing, spread sheets and database tools. These have been designed to make work and life easier. Applications like Microsoft office or WPS office are super easy to use if you are typing an assignment, a report, a letter and many other written documents and other publications. They come with multiple functions and templates that are easy to use. Take time to learn what exactly you can do with Microsoft excel or Microsoft word, you might be missing out on shortcuts right under your nose. Things You Didn't Know You Could Do On Microsoft Word

7.Avoid Multi-tasking
Handling more things at a time doesn't mean finishing everything perfectly and on time. Multi-tasking could cause everything you're doing to crash. The brain is okay with handling one or two tasks at a time but subjecting the mind and body to anything more than that, at a time, with no breaks could cause a mental breakdown or slow down productivity. Where you can, please avoid multi-tasking.


8.Set Deadlines

So by now you should have a daily to do list or even a weekly one. That is the start of setting deadlines. Time management is an important part of productivity. Giving activities durations gives you space to not over work yourself. If you are supposed to submit a report in a week set the deadline a day before the actual day. This will give you some fallback time incase unforseen circumstances hit home.

9.Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is a very important part of improving your productivity. The saying all work and no play, makes Jane a dull girl, goes beyond childhood. 
Taking regular breaks is part of taking care of yourself. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses and stopping when it gets too hard is part of taking care of yourself. Going out for a movie at the cinema, making a special breakfast, reading your favourite book, taking a whole day out for a home spa day is all part of taking care of yourself.
Others may tend to have, negative thoughts when it comes to skills and talents and basically just being able to do simple things. Having a self sabotaging persona is normal but damaging to productivity. If every time you are about to start a task you find yourself doubting your every plan or idea you could be suffering from self sabotaging. Are you self sabotaging?
 Many things could cause such behaviour, and many things can hamper it. Self affirmation is one of them. Little sayings like "I am good enough", "I can do it" "It's not too hard" can make all the difference. Another way to strengthen your confidence in your abilities is recognizing and enhancing your strengths and weaknesses. 
10.Learn to say...

In as much as it is nice to help people when they ask for help taking on a bunch of other tasks that do not fit into your schedule will make you drown in work. If you really have to take on extra work, make sure you have the extra time in your schedule for it. Anything other than this? Just (Politely) say no.

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